Sunday, October 18, 2015

Wolf by its ears…..adios

I don’t why I’m even writing about the Schultz Park, a.k.a. bump out, rock pile, and other pejoratives.  I’m pretty sure the vote this Tuesday night will be another 4 to 1 vote to spend the $3 million to more or less finish the Schultz Park and appliances (340 foot dock, potable water, fueling and electrical power outlets) for the transient boaters.  All 698 of them.

Not that any commissioners are listening, but we could spend the proposed $240,000 finishing the park area which is O.K. since there is already a lot of Paducah dollars sunk in it.  I know the Schultz Park only spending would benefit the most Paducahans by skipping some $2.75 million that would go to the vanishingly small number of boaters who will actually use the dock and its appliances.

The dock, water, electrical and fueling could be deferred.  The 12 black steel pipes could stay and when money allows, then build out the aforementioned dockage and appliances.

I know, that the landside area between the new Holiday Inn Hotel and the Schultz Park will have to be addressed. I know it cannot stay as a blasted out debris field. I know the spending on Schultz Park is not about the landside park. I know the money not spent doing the dock and all its appliances in Schultz Park could be a partial payment on the landside park area.  My guess is that savings would cover about 30% of the total park build out or nearly 50% of a more basic park.

As Pat Ranval said in a letter to the editor in the Sunday Paducah Sun,” It is time to reimagine the strategy.”

The thing is, we can’t have everything that glitters, we just can’t. 

Well, here’s to the third and final 4 to 1 vote unless you all can persuade two other “yes” commissioners to vote “no” with me.

Interestingly, the rock pile has become very much my shadow.  I’ll miss my shadow.  Well, not really.